Smithton Town and Country Fair Back in 2021!
Like so many local, county and state fairs that didn't run last year across not only Missouri but also the U.S., this year's Smithton Town and Country Fair is back, and revised!
The 2021 version of the fair in Smithton runs Friday, July 16 and Saturday, July 17. Some of the events you can see is the tractor pull, Miss Pettis County contest and a pie and ice cream contest. The fair schedule is a little different this year. Here's a lineup for the two days of fun:
Friday July 16
8:00 am Pig Show
1:00 pm Queen Contest
6:30 pm Parade
7:00 pm Cornhole Tournament
9:00 pm Pig Dressing Contest
Saturday July 18
8:00 am 5K Run
9:00 am Livestock Show
3:00 pm Tractor Pull
5:00 pm Baby Contest/Skid Steer Rodeo
6:30 pm Pedal Pull Contest
7:00 pm Pie Auction
7:00 pm Ice Cream Contest
(All pies and ice cream must be turned in between 3-5 pm.
There will be bounce houses and kid's games throughout the fair.
The Smithton Fair 5K run will start at the front of the school. Sign up starts at 7:30 am, run at 8 am. First 20 to sign up get medals and T-shirts!!! Entry is $25!
While you are celebrating at the fair, get your cornhole skills up! The tournament will start at 7 pm Friday or when the parade is over. Entry fee is $20 per team.
The Baby Contest that takes place at 5:00 pm on Saturday will have a $5 entry fee. The babies will be judged on personality. attire. appearance, contentment and interaction with the judges.
For more information on the 2021 Smithton Town and Country Fair, see their Facebook page.