Need Motivation To Give Blood? I’ve Got You Covered
The Community Blood Center will conduct a blood drive Monday, August 10 from 9:00 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Tuesday August 11 from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 First Christian Church, 200 South Limit.
You can't walk in, you have to make an appointment. Book your appointment at Their site. Enter the group code: SD. If you need more information, contact Marge Watson at 827-2200.
Now that I've given you the important information, now I just have to convince you to go. So, here are five very good, not at all shady or made up reasons to go give blood.
1. You will instantly feel like a better person.
After you give blood, you will have the glow of knowing you are doing your bit and contributing to saving the lives of up to three different people. One of those people could be the clerk at the post office. One of those people could be the baby just born that grows up and finally gets us all hovercrafts. One could be someone you actually know, and then they will totally owe you and you can guilt them into bringing you lunch one day.
2. It's quick and easy.
It only takes about forty five minutes all told to give blood. You show up, read the book, take the iron test and whammo. You're saving lives in no time. Batman hasn't got anything on you. If you think about all the other things in your life that take about 45 minutes, this is one of the best. Would you rather do your taxes? Get your oil changed? GO TO THE DENTIST? Those things all take about 45 minutes. I think you see where I'm going, and it's to the Blood Drive. Superman will personally approach you and tell you he's proud of you. Maybe even The Nature Boy, Rick Flair, will write you a personal note telling you how awesome you are.
3. Snacks.
They always, always have snacks for you after you give blood. And you get to choose what you get! Sometimes you get juice, sometimes you get actual lunch, sometimes you get pretzels or cookies or water, or all of the above! Don't tell me you don't like snacks, because that would be just lying to yourself and me and a waste of all of our time.
You know you want any excuse you can get to access snacks at any given time of day. You also know you're flat out tired of the vending machine. So why not open your world up for an afternoon to a new plane of snack?
4. Laziness, justified.
So, let's say you're at work. Let's say it's a Tuesday. Things are moving pretty darn slow. In fact, you're doing all you can to look busy and not actually accomplish much. Wouldn't you love a long lunch? Or an early out? Wouldn't you like a great reason to tell your boss you are taking a two hour lunch? Wouldn't you also like a reason to look like a good person in front of your boss, while taking that time off? Simple. Go to the blood drive, and tell your boss you're doing it.
They'll think to themselves, "Wow. This employee really cares about the world. I should cut them some slack about that big presentation. Maybe I should give them a raise! They are the salt of the earth!" And, when you get home, you can always tell your family or significant other that you can't do any chores that day because you have to take it easy, because you gave blood. And you DO have to take it easy! You're not even lying! You're totally telling the truth, AND you don't have to do dishes. You're welcome.
5. It'll save your Life.
For men, there is a life-saving benefit to donating blood. Men are at higher risk for "hemochromatosis or iron overload" (thank you, Web MD), a potentially deadly problem where too much iron builds up in the blood. It can lead to heart disease and other major health problems. Research shows if men give blood three times a year, they can reduce their iron overload and therefore their risk of a heart attack by as much as 50%! I am totally willing to believe that also happens for ladies, if for no other reason than I don't want us to be excluded.
What else do I have to do to convince you?
Donatingly yours,