Donate Blood In Warrensburg and Get A Free Royals T-Shirt
Want to get a cool Kansas City Royals T-shirt for free? All you need to do is head to Warrensburg and donate some blood this Friday, June 2, 2023, between 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM CDT.

The Warrensburg Fire and Police Departments are hosting the blood drive at the Matthews-Crawford Post 131 of the American Legion.
In addition to donors getting a cool Royals "Welcome to the City" T-Shirt, they'll also be serving Papa Murphy's pizza starting at 11:00 AM thanks to the Papa Murphy's on Maguire Street.
As of this writing, there are plenty of open slots for you to schedule a donation appointment. While the morning appointments are already mostly taken, plenty of slots are open from noon through the end of the blood drive. You can sign up to reserve your donation time here. You can also get more information on the Warrensburg Fire Department's Facebook page.
The American Legion Post in Warrensburg is located at 733 E. Young in Warrensburg, and the drive is being administered by Community Blood Center.
Most healthy people 17 and older can donate blood. 16-year-olds may also donate with parental permission. For complete details or more specifics on whether you can donate blood, and medical reasons which may prevent you from donating, check out the Community Blood Center web page. They also have a parental permission form on the site for those 16-year-olds who may wish to donate.
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