Missouri Hunters Bag Less Turkeys than Last Year
Information was released by the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) in regard to this year's Missouri fall firearms turkey season, Oct. 1-31. Preliminary numbers show less birds were taken this year compared to 2016.
According to the MDC, last year’s fall firearms turkey harvest total was 3,698. This year's total stands at 2,899, 799 less turkeys than last year.
MDC’s turkey biologist says this year’s low fall firearms turkey harvest total can be attributed to several factors, including a poor turkey hatch, a decline in hunter participation, and above-average acorn production.
The top three harvest counties this year were Greene with 100, Texas with 95 and Dent with 94.
According to a Missouri Department of Conservation biologist, this year’s fall firearms turkey permit sales were at 10,243. That's the lowest on record since the season started in 1978. The most in one year was set in 1987, with nearly 53,000 permits purchased.
Fall archery turkey hunting continues through Nov. 10 and then resumes again from Nov. 22 through Jan. 15, 2018.