How Soon Will You Put Your Christmas Tree Up or Have You Already?
For some it could by year round. For others it's up at a pretty specific time of the year and then it's right back down and boxed away a certain number of days after Christmas. What's the timeline for your Christmas tree?
We've been seeing the ads for Christmas for some time. The Hallmark channel is well into their schedule of their 24-hour Christmas barrage of movies. Since Halloween is just a dot in the rear view mirror, the question should be asked. "Just how early is too early for the tree to go up and for all the Christmas/Holiday decorations to go up?"
It's understandable to have up the decorations for Thanksgiving. In fact for many they've been around for a few weeks now. As of this writing Thanksgiving is just a little over two weeks away.
Of course it seems like we get slammed with decorations/candy/gifts and such sooner and sooner every year. It wouldn't surprise me to see Valentine candy, along with cards and decorations as soon as we get through Thanksgiving.
Well, what's your take? How soon should the tree go up?