Behka’s Enquiring Minds: Favorite Holiday Decorations [SURVEY]
When I was a kid, my mom made a big deal out of the holiday season. And not just Christmas, but Thanksgiving, New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, everything. She loved those two months. I remember the anticipation of the holiday tradition we had until I was about 11 or so. We'd have to wait until the day of the Sedalia Christmas Parade to get started. My dad and my older sister would go and get the tree while my mom and I went to watch the Christmas Parade. Then, when we got home, we'd decorate it together. But as the years went on, we eventually got a fake tree. It's still the tree I have in my dining room now.
And now that Boyfriendo and I are doing our thing, we're trying to make some new traditions for his girls, who are both ten years old. While I love the old ornaments and such from when I was a kid, I also love the new ones that are hanging on the tree to make new memories. When it comes down to it, though, the ornament is just an ornament. The plastic or wood isn't what's important. It's the memory that comes with it - the careful minutes you spent in Kindergarten gluing together those Popsicle sticks to make a Rudolph. The photos of loved ones in the picture aren't what's important, it's the moment that photo captures that stays with you. I suppose that's a lesson I've had to learn over the years - holding on to material things isn't as important as the memory or the love that went with it. Still, it's nice to look at the little things and enjoy them for what they are.
So since everyone's choices with their decor are individual, I thought I'd ask you guys about your experience. Do you have a favorite decoration for the holiday season (a wreath, an old stocking, etc)? If you put up a tree, do you have a favorite ornament? What makes it so special? Tell me all about it and I'll share your answers on the air!
Ornamentally yours,