8 Jobs Your Teenager Can Get This Summer With The Sedalia Parks And Recreation
Let's face it. You need your teenager to get the heck out of the house this summer. And if they're making some money, even better.
After all, you want them to be active and not getting in trouble. I don't think anybody wants their kid in front of a screen or their cellphone all summer. What's the best way to do that? Active employment, that's how! And since these are only seasonal positions, when school starts back up, there's no conflict. So, here are the positions available with the Sedalia Parks and Rec.
1. Maintenance workers. For this job they need to be 18.
2. Landscapers. Again, 18.
3. Lifeguards. This one only requires the kids to be 15.
4. Umpires. The age for this one is 16.
6. Concession Attendants. This one is the youngest you can be, 14.
7. Admissions Attendants. 15 For this one.
8. Pool Management. 18 and over on this job.
You can have the kids apply down at the Convention Hall, that's where the main Parks office is located. But, they can also check out the application online.
Employingly yours,