Watch Some Missouri Mustangs Show Off Some Mad Drifting Skills
There have to be some true professionals behind the wheel of these Missouri machines. New video shows off a couple of Mustangs in St. Louis performing some wild drifting skills with little to no room for error.
This YouTube short that was just shared doesn't specify where other than this burnout happened in St. Louis recently. Considering that I can't park in any parking lot without getting slammed by a shopping cart, I have no idea how these 2 wheelmen managed to drift so close together in such a confined space without messing up their back quarter panels.
The Fast and the Furious have nothing on these two. Crazy wild and surgically precise. So well done. Can you tell that I'm impressed?
When I was in high school, I somehow ended up with an epic 1982 Firebird. Anyone who knows cars understands that a Firebird only comes with 6-cyclinders while the big brother Trans Am models get the full 8-cylinders. I had a friend tip me off that if you flipped the air filter upside down, it would make a 6-cylinder Firebird sound like a Trans Am. Back in those days, the Trans Am markings were subtle, so I happily pulled off the poser trick and most would not mess with me at stoplights. Oh, to be young again.
I'm gonna see if I can figure out where this drifting display happened in St. Louis. It reminds me of the era when I could truly be a car guy before child seats became a necessary part of my life.