
See What It’s Like Inside a Wild Amish Grocery Store in Illinois
See What It’s Like Inside a Wild Amish Grocery Store in Illinois
See What It’s Like Inside a Wild Amish Grocery Store in Illinois
I am so glad we live in the part of America that also has so many vibrant Amish communities. And, when I say "vibrant", I'm obviously not talking about the color of clothing, but the natural way of life that they share including their grocery stores which are unlike any you've probably ever seen as new video from Illinois proves.
Most Stolen Items in Missouri Grocery Stores Will Blow Your Mind
Most Stolen Items in Missouri Grocery Stores Will Blow Your Mind
Most Stolen Items in Missouri Grocery Stores Will Blow Your Mind
Before I began this radio adventure more than 40 years ago, I worked in a Missouri retail store. You would not believe the crazy things I saw stolen back in those days and the same can be said about the most stolen stuff from Missouri grocery stores these days. It's mind-blowing how low some folks will go to get something for nothing.
Why You’ll Never Hear Music in this Missouri Grocery Store
Why You’ll Never Hear Music in this Missouri Grocery Store
Why You’ll Never Hear Music in this Missouri Grocery Store
There are some things in life you experience, but you don't give it a deep thought why. I learned recently that you'll never hear music played on the overhead of a Missouri Aldi's. The more I thought about it, I realized I had never heard music there and there's a fun reason why.

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