Sedalians Have Something To Say To Out Of Town Fairgoers
It always starts about a week before the The Missouri State Fair. People start to come in from all over, and traffic really picks up here in town.Of course you've noticed it... they're here. The Out of Towners. So I thought, well, there's always a few things I've thought I wanted to say to them when they come here. I've even written about it. But this time, I wanted YOUR take. So I asked you on our Facebook page, "What's something you'd like to tell the out of towners coming for the Fair?" You guys definitely had some strong opinions.
Some of you were just interested in safety while people are driving around town.
Catherine C
Our streets are crap, but you should still drive the speed limit. Also, thank you for coming to Sed.
Anne R
Stay on the main highways and streets, so us locals can use the back roads to get where we need to go in a decent amount of time.
Don’t drive like idiots. Pay attention and stay off the phone while in the car
Donna T
i live here. im not racing you to the fair.
Yeah. There's no need randomly try to drag race me on Limit.
Some people were more concerned about health.
Carol D
Wear a mask
Connie G
Where a mask
David D
Get vaccinated and wear a mask.
And that's a valid point. We don't want Sedalia to turn into the next Covid hotspot, and then spread it back over the state.
Some of you took a funnier route.
Debi L
Do not try to cut through Thompson Hills. Google lies.
Megan K
Leave your flies at home, buy your groceries before you come, and stop hoggin the bandwidth!
I don't know about the flies, but yeah, it would probably help if you're gonna stay all ten days to buy some groceries before you come.
Now Amber, she definitely had some practical advice. Especially for first timers.
Amber C
Start out early if you’re going to be out all day. When the heat gets to you go walk through the commercial buildings. There’s cool stuff to see in all of them plus almost all of them are air conditioned. Dicks corn dogs are the long time favorite, lions clubs have stations throughout with $1 ice cold bottled water. For adult fun the midway is the road from the grandstand to the rides and gets hopping at around 10. The Hacienda has karaoke, dj, great food and drinks. Beware of the midway if you’re not in there to party, definitely not family friendly once everyone starts gathering in the street. Keep your kids very close to you and don’t try to go through there to get back to your car at night, take a calmer side road. If it’s your first time..WELCOME! Enjoy your time. Don’t forget your booty shorts, halter top, cowgirl hat, and sh*t kickers..
And then, there those of us who are just happy to see people here again.
Keith B
Welcome! Please spend all your money!
Edward S
Enjoy your stay! #AMERICA
Barbara S
Enjoyed your time here and thank you for coming
And then, of course, there had to be a cynic. But I get it, some people just don't like the change or intrusion.
George H
Don't bother.
What do you think? Have you met anyone from out of town who came to Sedalia specifically for the Fair? What else would you like to tell them?
Fairingly yours,
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