I don't think that I'd call myself a religious person.  I think we can all agree though, that human faith goes a long way towards our own personal fulfillment in life. That's what the Sedalia Kiwanis hope to inspire with their Prayer Breakfast.

The Sedalia Kiwanis Club invites the community to be a part of the 10th Annual Sedalia Mayor's Prayer Breakfast. Sedalia Mayor Stephen Galliher and other community leaders will join Kiwanians, members of the clergy and others to enjoy a meal and offer prayers. The guest speaker for the day will be Jack Menges. Certificates will be presented  to  nominated outstanding youth from area churches and a $500 check will be presented to the winner of the William Schien Scholarship presented annually by the Sedalia Kiwanis Club to a gradating senior from an area high school.

Make your plans to join them next Saturday morning, May 6th at Christ and Trinity Lutheran Church, 3201 Southwest Blvd, beginning at 9:00 a.m.  There's no cost, but you can leave a freewill donation if you'd like. The money raised will go to Sedalia Kiwanis projects like their partnership with Unicef to attempt to eliminate Tetanus in the world. Visit the Kiwanis website for more information or contact Bob Milner at 660-473-1270.

Faithfully yours,

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