It seems like every time we turn around the Missouri 4-H'ers and the Missouri FFA are stepping up to help others across the state. This time it's not different as the two groups and Missouri Farmers Care are working with pork producers, meat processors and now FFA and 4-H youths to help curb food insecurity in the state.

According to Ashley McCarty, director of the Missouri Farmers Care Foundation:

"“I think students might be the best poised to understand the impact of hunger, because they can see it firsthand in their classmates. It’s really hard to focus on math when your tummy is rumbling.”

The latest project of Drive to Feed Kids is Hogs for Hunger. Youths involved in FFA and 4-H livestock exhibits can donate hogs after show season to help feed families in need. Missouri Farmers Care will work with donors to have the livestock processed locally or after the state fair’s market show.

McCarty goes on to say, "Many Missouri meat processors have indicated interest in supporting Hogs for Hunger efforts, and Missouri Farmers Care will pay for processing up to $100 a hog."

With this program students can come full circle to see how these livestock that's raised for food production can be turned into something that can be consumed through the food supply chain in a safe and wholesome manner.

Donating one pig can feed up to 525 people in need, depending on live weight of the hog and dressing percentage when it is taken to a local processor.

This year through Hogs for Hunger, Missouri pig farmers and 4-H and FFA swine exhibitors have an opportunity to change the lives of neighbors, friends and classmates by donating pigs to address hunger in their communities.

Missouri Farmers Care and Missouri 4-H would like to see Hogs for Hunger positively affect all 114 counties and the city of St. Louis. For more information on how to get involved, visit

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