Missouri Makes Big Investment In Electric Cars. Would You Drive One?
In the past month, I have been to a few classic car shows. It brought back memories of some of the cool vehicles of the past. I suppose if I ever win a large amount of money, I would like to buy a classic muscle car, one of the best Detroit ever made.
We may not like it, but the future will see a lot more electric vehicles on the road that will be much better on the environment. The State of Missouri is making a large investment to prepare for that. They announced a large investment to help increase the number of electric vehicles on the road. The state plans to spend more than $100 million on electric vehicle charging stations.
The post above was from about 2 months ago from Ameren Missouri. The move is expected to reverse the trend of the Show-Me State lagging behind others in having more resources available for these vehicles. The investment comes as the federal government has dedicated $5 billion to build the infrastructure needed for electric vehicles. You can read a bit more HERE.
Not everyone believes in climate change, and some politicians don't think this is a good idea. Some people believe the cost of the vehicles will be too much. You can click HERE for an article on the current average price of an electric car. I did some pre-owned electric cars in the $15,000 - $20,000 range. I do not expect those prices to stay that high, as more people choose to go this route. There will be more electric vehicles being made in Missouri, and more on the road. They will be better long term than the gas vehicles we use now.
Could you ever see yourself driving an electric car in the future? I might be too old by the time the price gets to where I can afford it, but maybe your kids might be interested. We will see what the future holds.

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