Last Week for Early Bird Youth Baseball Registration
If you have a child you want to sign up for Sedalia Youth Baseball, this is the last week to get the early bird registration rate.
Sedalia Youth Baseball is open to children in kindergarten through grade 9. Practices start in April and games are held in May and June. Registration is only $45 through the end of the month. The cost will rise $10 to $55 from March 2-13. Registration before March 13 guarantees a T-shirt.
If you want to sign your child up you can sign them up at the Sedalia Parks website here. In person. And also at Pummill's Sporting Goods.
Sedalia Parks and Recreation is also looking for sponsors for this season. Sponsorships cost $200 and each sponsorship includes an outfield banner. These sponsorships help keep the registration cost for the program at $45 / $55 per child. More sponsorship information can be found here.
I played youth baseball as a kid. I can't say I was very good. Lots of strikeouts and praying the ball wouldn't be hit to me in left field. That said, I look back on the experience fondly. And I did get a hit of my friend Brian Lenz, that was pretty cool. I'm glad my parents signed me up. If you kids like baseball, sign them up, you'll be helping them make some good memories.