I’ve Got Allergies, So I Found Some Tips That Might Help
It's never good to have seasonal allergies. Especially now, when if you cough a little, everyone assumes you have the... you know.
Seasonal allergies affect about 40 million Americans every year. Medications like Claritin and Zyrtec can be a big help. But if that's not enough, here are five strange but effective ways to get some relief. Plus, they're all-natural.
1. Shampoo Your Eyelashes.
Pollen clings to them, then slowly makes its way into your eyes. But I've found this really does help if you wash your eyelashes with baby shampoo twice a day. It can reduce redness, itching and puffiness. I found that out when I accidentally bought baby shampoo instead of shampoo for my curly hair. DON'T JUDGE ME, IT LOOKED LIKE AN ADULT LABEL.
2. Eat Yogurt.
Two cups of plain yogurt a day can prevent flare-ups and reduce symptoms by 40% or more. The "good" bacteria in yogurt helps your body produce more anti-inflammatory proteins. Those proteins help your immune system stay calm when it encounters pollen or other things that might cause an allergic reaction.
3. Drink Iced Tea.
The antioxidants stop your body from producing a major allergy trigger called "immunoglobulin E". Of course I don't know what that is, but that's what they call it. Black OR green tea is fine. Try to drink at least 24 ounces a day.
4. Wear Clothing That's All Cotton.
The reason dust clings to your TV screen is because the screen builds up a static charge that pulls in dust particles while they're floating around in the air. Synthetic materials like polyester and nylon do the same thing when they rub against each other. Which means you could walk around outside for a few hours without touching anything . . . but still be COVERED in pollen. Cotton and linen attract about half as much.
5. Avoid Certain Foods.
In PEAK allergy season, the proteins in some foods - including apples, carrots, zucchini, celery, and tomatoes - can make allergies even worse. It's called "cross-reactivity," and affects about one-third of people who have issues with pollen. If you don't WANT to give up those foods, just make sure you cook them. Heat breaks down the specific proteins that are responsible for it. But then, if you're not ready to give up some stuff to stop sneezing, why are you here?
So please, try to be safe out there and also, try not to judge a sneezer. Sometimes we've just got allergies. Promise.
Snottily yours,