Give Blood Tuesday June 9
Every four minutes someone in the area served by Community Blood Center needs a blood transfusion. That's why you should consider helping save a life by donating to Community Blood Center on Tuesday June 9.
The blood drive is taking place by appointment only in the Sacred Heart School gymnasium between 10:00AM and 6:00PM CDT.
According to Community Blood Center blood and it's components can be used to assist with many medical procedures. For example, someone in a car crash that has suffered massive blood loss may require more than 50 pints of red blood cells. Cancer, transplant, and open-heart surgery patients require platelet transfusions.Additionally, red blood cells and platelets have have a short life and need to be used quickly. So there's always a need for blood donors.
I know firsthand how blood can save a life. Fifteen years ago my wife suffered a medical emergency. She almost died from bleeding out. Donated blood and a great emergency room staff saved her life that night. Donating blood may help a friend, your neighbor, even a family member.
Make your appointment to donate blood today by going to savealifenow.org/group and use the group code: SD to make your appointment.
Additionally, those who donate will be eligible to get a free Kansas City Royals t-shirt or Royals rally towel. For more information please contact Marge Watson at 660-827-2000 or email her at marbowat@yahoo.com. For medical eligibility questions call 1-800-688-0900. Make your appointment to donate today here and using the group code: SD.
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