Early Frost and Snow? When Missouri Will Cool Off for Fall
I don't know about you, but while broiling under the hot sun at the Missouri State Fair last week, I began to think about cooler weather. Luckily, mother nature blessed The Missouri State Fair with generally good weather once we got rid of the rain on Sunday and part of Monday. Of course, don't look now, but the fair will wrap up with another round of sizzling temperatures. So when will it finally cool off, and how cold will it get?
Accuweather released their fall 2023 forecast, and according to their forecast, we'll have heat lingering around West Central Missouri like we usually do, through the mid part to the end of September. Accuweather says it's a good early fall forecast for those trying to get one last summerlike getaway in after Labor Day.
So when will we begin to feel the chill in the air? When we turn the page to October. Accuweather predicts that will be the time when we'll start to cool off, and they point out that the clash of warmer humid air and cool air could set off some thunderstorms or severe storms as we transition into fall-like weather.
They also predict Missouri will see an early frost this season, perhaps as early as the last couple of days of September. Accuweather says with the cooler air and an early frost we could see snowflakes in the later part of October or November. November isn't that surprising to me, yet snowflakes in October might actually be surprising since generally, West Central Missouri, doesn't see a lot of snow until December or early January.
The good news, Accuweather says, they're talking flurries so there's no need to get the shovel out of storage just yet.