Are You Glad The Kids Are Back In School?
For most of the kids in the area, it's now the beginning of school. As parents are you glad to have the kids back in school?
Are you ones to relish the thought of your kids being home everyday eating everything in sight and leaving the house a mess? Or do you you look forward to the kiddos heading off on the school bus in the wee hours of the morning just so you can hit the hay for another hour of restful sleep?
If you have three or more school-age children, you know that by the end of the day you can be wore down slick. It takes a lot to keep up with their shenanigans day in and day out. For some parents, school can be the saving grace that keeps you from losing all your marbles! For others, it's a joy to have the munchkins around all day. To sit and play, to interact, and being there at their beckon call.
Which side of the parenting teeter totter do you sit?