6 Questions About Our Snacking Habits
People who never eat between meals must have some super-human ability to avoid temptation. So this list is for the rest of us weak, pathetic mortals . . .
A new survey asked people about their SNACKING habits. Here are six questions and how people answered them. See how your snacking habits stack up . . .
1. When you snack, do you usually go for sweet things like cookies, or salty things like chips? 69% said salty. 31% said sweet. I'm in the majority on that one.
2. Do you pretty much snack throughout the day, or at a specific time each day? 67% said it varies throughout the day. 33% have a regular time they like to have a snack. Usually for me, snacking happens at my lunch time. I don't really eat a full lunch, just a few nibbles or a glass of milk.
3. Are you a late-night snacker, meaning after 9:00 P.M.? 54% said yes. 46% said they don't usually eat after 9:00 P.M. I'm in bed by 8:00 P.M., so that counts me out.
4. Do you ever eat in bed? 34% said yes. 66% said they don't, because they hate having crumbs in their sheets. I never have done that, either.
5. Do you store snacks anywhere other than your kitchen, like your desk or your car? 24% said they DO keep snacks in places other than their kitchen. I do not keep snacks in my car, but I do keep some in my desk at work.
6. Are you more likely to snack if you're having a bad day? 66% said yes.
What are your snacking habits like? Do you have a go-to snack? What are some of your favorites?
Snackily yours,