The winners of the City of Sedalia's annual outdoor Christmas Light Contest have been announced for 2019.

Xi Beta Upsilon, chapter of Beta Sigma Phi, with the assistance of the Mayor and the City Council says the top three winners in the residential category are;

1st place: Kevin Walker, at 700 W. Broadway Blvd.

2nd place: Chris Paszkiewicz, at 712 W. Broadway Blvd.

3rd place: Charles and Bev Gerke, at 322 E. 14th Street

Other entries included:

Darrell Dodson & Elwanda Tanner, 901 East Broadway

Leanna Eckhoff, 604 East 27th Street

Stephanie Hopkins 723 N. Grand

Michael Burdick, 606 E. 11th Street

DeWayne Duncan, 2705 Station Ave.

Dave and Kathy Embree, 2613 S. Stewart

Darryl and Cindy Hansen, 2401 Albert Lee

Kenny Miller, 1302 W. 6th Street

Michael Gertz, 2010 S. Harrison Ave.

Bishop Paul & Liz Jones, 221 E. Pettis Street

This was the 39th annual outdoor Christmas Light Contest for the City of Sedalia.

There were no entries in the business category this year.

Randy Kirby
Randy Kirby
Randy Kirby
Randy Kirby

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