When Should Christmas Music Start Playing?
For some you could play Christmas music year round and that would be okay. For others sharing the holiday classics too soon can set them off like a caged mad man. When is the right time to hear Christmas music in the stores and on the radio?
You walk into a store on November 1, the day after Halloween and all you can hear from speakers, strategically placed throughout the building, is the sounds of Christmas music? Does this put a spring in your your step and a verse on your lips, or do you want to go straight to management and demand that they take that music off the speakers until it gets closer to Christmas?
So when is the right time? According to an article in the Tampa Bay Times, some retailers started playing Christmas music as far back as October 22. Who was the culprit? Best Buy. For others it was after Halloween. November 1 was the start date for holiday tunes at Sears/Kmart, Michael's and Maurice's/Lane Bryant stores.
Of course as it gets closer to Thanksgiving, you'll definitely start hearing more and more of the Christmas stuff.
As for radio stations it's usually the day after Thanksgiving, to start getting everyone into the holiday spirit.
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