I found a survey online of America's currently most hated words. There were some pretty good ones, like "Twerking," "Totes," and "Whatever."  I wanted to hear what you guys had to say, so I asked the question on my Facebook page: what are your most hated words? Whether you just hate the way it sounds, what it means, or just the way people say it. Here are some of my favorite answers:


This was just the first person who said "moist". EVERYONE hates this one. Yes Whitney, it is indeed the worst word ever.


I just moved here, so it doesn't bother me too much personally, but I can see how that would be annoying.


Ugh. Just...UGH. Good one Ashley.


I use those words all the time.That's awkward...

Let me know what YOUR most hated word is in the comments below!

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