I'm a little confused by something. How do you tell someone bad news if you can't tell them that you "have some bad news" for them? We apparently need to come up with a new way as the internet claims there's science that says this is a bad idea.
Every day I rack my brain to try to think of things for you and I to talk about. I see what I do on the air as a way of conversing with you - but most of the time it's just me talking. So with our surveys, I ask, and you answer.
Lake Superior State University in Sault Saint Marie, Michigan releases a list every year of words that need to be BANNED, based on thousands of nominations from people around the world.
I found a survey online of America's currently most hated words. There were some pretty good ones, like "Twerking," "Totes," and "Whatever." I wanted to hear what you guys had to say, so I asked the question on my Facebook page: what are your most hated words? Whether you just hate the way it sounds, what it means, or just the way people say it. Here are some of my f