The Six Most Expensive Neighborhoods In Sedalia
You might be living in one of Sedalia's most expensive neighborhoods and not even know it! The website Neighborhood Scout analyzed Sedalia and the surrounding areas on several different criteria:
NeighborhoodScout Real Estate Analytics provides the only micro-neighborhood housing market insights with exclusive market rent prices by number of bedrooms, house values, property taxes and effective tax rate, years of average rent needed to buy the average house, housing stock profiles, physical neighborhood setting, seasonal and year-round vacancy rates, owner/renter mixes, and more, all in one place. All pricing, tax, and rental values accurate to the micro-neighborhood.
So, here's their findings.
1. West Main Street/State Fair Boulevard
2. Route Y/ West 16th Street
3. South Ingram Avenue/East 16th Street
4. West Broadway/South Grand Avenue
5. East Broadway Boulevard/ East 12th Street
6. North Missouri Avenue/ West Henry Street
So, what do you think? Do you feel like it's expensive to live in your neighborhood? Do they have it wrong, or right? Weigh in in the comments!
Expensively yours,
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