Here is your new Would You Rather Wednesday question. You have a chance to entertain the world and a chance to explore the unknown or go back in time. Which one would you choose?
It's back! Sorry that "Would You Rather Wednesday" has been like that weird cousin that no one talks to then he randomly shows up at a family function unannounced smelling like wet dog. After an overly excessive holiday break, we dabble into the past and the future.
After a brief hiatus and a few early cups of egg nog, "Would You Rather Wednesday" is back. Speaking of eggnog, the holidays are a perfect time to gather with family and old friends. Things could always get a little crazy.
Thanksgiving is tomorrow, some of you may even be on the road right now already heading to a relative's house. Some may already be preparing some of the dishes for tomorrow's feast. At my Thanksgiving meal, we always have leftovers.
Thanksgiving is right around the corner. I know people like to discuss what they will be eating over the holiday. Some people even exchange recipes for the big day. A lot of you will also travel for Thanksgiving.
Welcome back in to another Would You Rather Wednesday. Last week we had a Halloween themed question. The majority of you would rather spend the night in a house where someone was murdered as opposed to a dark cemetery. Today we discuss some gross bodily fluids. Come with me!
Happy Humpday to you! Last week we were living inside someone's daydreams. The majority of you would rather live inside of a 6-year-old's daydreams as opposed to a 60-year-old's daydreams. This week we get a little nerdy in a galaxy far, far away.