But of course, there have to be people to prepare the chicken wings, right? Who are these brave souls, willing to put their expertise on the line for the hungry, judging public?
The Sedalia Rotary is asking for that help with their auction. They're going to have tons of great stuff, and plenty of donations from local businesses.
One year I even saw a kid who was re-hiding the eggs because he didn't want the Hunt to end. Can you imagine the panic the host felt when she heard that?
Of course, not every experience is seeing a loud concert in the theater surrounded by other music nerds dancing to specific choreography while you all sing loudly, "YOU CAN'T STOP ME LOVING MYSELF" at the top of your lungs.
It sounds intriguing, and a total excuse to break out the fancy wear - or, you know, that princess costume you've got that you never have a reason to wear outside of tea parties with the kids. Or, that Fancy King hat you've got that your wife keeps telling you to put away.