
R.I.P. Blockbuster: Remaining US Stores to Be Closed
R.I.P. Blockbuster: Remaining US Stores to Be Closed
R.I.P. Blockbuster: Remaining US Stores to Be Closed
After years of struggling against the odds and barely surviving in a rapidly changing world, Blockbuster announced that it's officially set to close the remainder of its US stores. For some, this is a day or mourning. For others, a day of celebration. For all of us, it's just a reminder that the way we consume media has changed so drastically and so quickly that the thought of Blockbuster going ou
Sedalia Taco Bell Closed For Remodeling
Sedalia Taco Bell Closed For Remodeling
Sedalia Taco Bell Closed For Remodeling
Those in Sedalia looking for the famous 4th Meal or Grande Meals are going to have to tough it out for a little while.  A sign was posted Sunday afternoon (September 30) at the Sedalia Taco Bell stating that they are closed for remodeling.