Sedalia YouTuber Tries Some Nachos And For Some Reason It’s Fascinating
I like any kind of video where people try things. Especially taste tests.I have no idea why. I just do. Kids trying stuff, teens trying stuff, elders trying stuff, whatever it is, I'm into it. It could be them listening to music for the first time, trying a new game, or sampling different foods from across the world.
So there I am again on YouTube, looking for stuff to watch and bam, there he is! A guy from right here in Sedalia trying some nachos from a local Mexican place.
I'm pretty sure he said they were from Taqueria Sta Cruz. It's the one over on Main street. We went there before the whole Covid thing, and it was pretty good! From what I guess right now they're doing carryout stuff pretty exclusively by now. And a guy ordered to go while we were there.
It's nice to see that people are still supporting local businesses. Yeah, we have to stay home more often, and yeah, we'll probably be cooking more from home for a while. But there's something nice about getting some take out and eatin some dang fire nachos, right? Right.
So I say, good on you, Henny. He's done a few of these videos of local businesses, you should check out his channel. And hey, try some of the foods he tried! Well, maybe not all at once. That might be a bit much. But you know what I mean.
Are you still getting take out from local places or even delivery? What's your favorite thing to order?
Nachoingly yours,