Sedalia Tourism Receipts Down $104,000 over 2019
The Sedalia Area Tourism Commission met at 1:15 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 7 in the Katy Depot Conference Room, 600 E. 3rd.
The SATC Financial Summary as of Oct. 6 was reviewed. The top box showed total money in bank of $728,289.51. Total receipts year to date are $195,576.28 as compared to $299,647 for same time frame in 2019. There is an estimated $132,224 that will not be reimbursed.
On motion by Vice Chairman David Dick and seconded by Treasurer Erica Eisenmenger, the report was approved with all in favor. Lodgings Tax receipts for the five previous years of 2005 through 2009 were researched and added to this report for comparison of recession trends.
The SATC Proposed Budget for 2021 in the amount of $791.50 was reviewed and approved on motion by member Tom Adermann, seconded by Dick with all in favor.
The Summary of Request for Funding Applications was reviewed. The report shows a five-year funding trend, as well as the upcoming calendar year requests. Request for the 2021 year total was $455,612.60
Courtney Fry presented the request for funding for the Missouri State Fair Off-Season Event Marketing that totaled $97,255. Reference was made to a few minor changes such as pulling the Learfield ads. Discussion centered around the inclusion of a line item for a service provider to assist in marketing efforts. Contributing factors for this line item included a resignation within her department leaving her with little or no support from the fair marketing department, and a hiring freeze indicating that position most likely not be replaced any time soon. This request for $49,500 stays under state bidding guidelines and represents a large part of her budget.
There are several directions for finding a firm or person to support the marketing effort. However, a specific bullet point list of deliverables had not been put to paper. Discussion included best options for selecting someone familiar with the MSF and perhaps being awarded on a project by project basis. Initial market research through a focus group that determines goals and identifies plan infrastructure accomplished in the first year may evolve into development of a campaign that can be more easily implemented by MSF staff.
Courtney was asked to provide statistics on effect of off-season event income impacting the overall MSF salaries. (subsequently this information was forwarded on.)
Discussion included the importance of the MSF grounds to Sedalia. The request for $97,255.00 was approved on motion by Tom Adermann, seconded by Erica Eisenmenger with all being in favor.
Diane Burnett presented on behalf of Liberty Center Association for the Arts requesting $29,511.00. Diane explained several major projects that are currently underway: a grant request to the National Endowment for the Arts for the development of an outside stage area and outdoor public art area, public art on the building, and creation of a landscaped park area. These improvements will make the arts more visible and accessible to the public and will increase their ability to attract professional performers and larger audiences. This project is expected to be completed in June 2022.
Another project is the renovation of the second floor funded by the Cooney Family Foundation into a multi-use space names the Cooney Creative Studio. The project includes improvements to the facility, new furniture and fixtures, and art supplies. Project completion is June 2021.
Working in partnership with the Trails End Committee, LCAA is planning to host a juried art show anticipated to draw artists from the Midwest, and a concert in the theater.
A book commissioned by LCAA with Becky Imhauser, will be released soon to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the association. They are working on an exhibit of costumes used over the years for community theater productions.
They are also working to update their logo and a new slogan.
Discussion included reactions that the request could be more representative of how LCAA would specifically
market the enhancements and/or the proposed schedule. No action was taken on the request. Chairman Chuck Kempton will reach out to Diane to discuss suggestions on a revised application. Once a revised application is received it will be distributed via email. And at that time determination will be made if a meeting will be scheduled.
Carolyn Crooker presented on behalf of the Convention & Visitors Bureau requesting a total of $328,846.60.
In efforts to consolidate Sedalia’s overall destination marketing, the CVB budget includes segregated funding for the Daum Museum, Ragtime Festival and Katy Depot.
The Daum components totaling $19,695 includes MoDOT directional signage, and advertising that has shifted from the east to targeting a KC market.
The Ragtime Festival components totaling $31,120. covers their standard marketing campaign.
Funding request for the Katy Depot totaled $19,400, which included update and reproduction of two visitor guides.
The CVB destination marketing components total $148,500 and cover their basic campaign, leisure travel marketing, sports marketing, arts/music/history marketing, group travel marketing and agri-tourism marketing.
Also covered in the CVB request is $110,846.90 for administration.
Conversation included a suggestion to connect with a research marketing agency for implementation of customer surveys. It was also noted that efforts will continue to bring the LCAA request under the CVB umbrella in future funding cycles. Having all of the local marketing budgets under the CVB umbrella will facilitate maximum benefit of dollars.
On motion by CVB Treasurer Rick Yeager, seconded by CVB Past President Kyle Herrick, the CVB request in full was approved.
In other business, conversations were held regarding lodgings tax being collected by Air Bed and Breakfasts.
There was much insight shared on this issue by Tom and Erica and in summary, there seems to be little that can be done locally to administer receipt of tax dollars from these groups.
The meeting was adjourned at 3 p.m.