Sedalia Parks & Rec Holiday Programs Schedule
Sedalia Parks & Recreation has a holiday season filled with Christmas themed programs for your kids. Online registration is now open for the following holiday programs:
- Elf Workshop - Participants are guaranteed to take home 20 handmade gifts for family members. Gifts will be made in the workshop and also tagged and wrapped. Dinner and a snack are included. The Elf Workshop is for youths in fourth through sixth grade. 1:00 PM CST - 5:00 PM CST Sunday December 6. Cost is $25.00.
- Flashlight Candy Cane Hunt - Santa and his elves will be hiding candy canes all around Liberty Park. Bring your flashlight and bag and help Sedalia Parks & Recreation find them all. Wednesday December 9. Check-in and cookies at 5:30 PM CST, the hunt starts at 6:00 PM CST. Cost is $10.00.
- Cookies with the Clauses - Mrs. Claus is coming to Sedalia and she wants you to help her decorate some yummy desserts. You'll also hear some great holiday stories and enjoy refreshments. Friday December 18. 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM CST. This program is geared for children five to ten years of age. Cost is $10.00.
You can learn more about these programs and register for them online here. Sedalia Parks & Recreation reminds folks to register for these programs early because COVID-19 has limited the number of participants.
Additionally Sedalia Parks & Recreation will be holding Breakfast with Santa and Pizza and PJ's with Santa. Registration for these two events begins on Monday November 2 and online registration will NOT be offered for these two events. Parks and Recreation expects these two programs to fill up very quickly.
- Breakfast with Santa - Saturday December 5, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM CST. Cost is $5.00 per person.
- Pizza and PJ's with Santa - Friday December 12, 6:00 PM -7:30 PM CST. Cost is $5.00 per person
For more information on these events click here.