Registration Still Open for Paul Klover Soccer Association
When we think of school these days, we think of the fall and we think of soccer. The kids in our area definitely love to get out there on the pitch and run around to the delight of their proud parents. So I thought it was important to let people know that just because it's a fall league doesn't mean that the sign up is in the fall. It's now!
If you think about it, there are about 700-800 kids that normally get involved, and the logistics of getting all that settled and organized are bound to be huge. So of course they want to have as much time to get it finished as possible! It's pretty easy to get signed up. You can either go by Pummill's Sporing Goods and get an application, or you can sign up on their website.
It's important to do it as soon as possible, because the cut off date is quickly approaching. Your last date to get signed up is July 28. They're also looking for coaches and referees, so the adults can get involved as well.
Don't forget to get signed up! The benefits of getting your youngin's signed up for some outdoor teamwork fun are numerous. You can also find out more about being a coach, or even a referee!
Sportily yours,
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