Population Trends-Up or Down in West Central Missouri?
As a community, Sedalia and Pettis County, has seen a lot of industrial growth in the past few years. So what does that mean as far as population growth? Are we seeing more residents in the area or is it on a decline?
According to a report from the University of Missouri Extension, the state has seen growth from 2019-2020. Population increased during that time by 11,000 people or 0.2%. The report goes on to say that this growth in Missouri is in line with other other Midwestern states but half of the 0.4% national growth rate.
In the 30-page report, the University extension office says west-central and south central Missouri has seen significant losses in the past but the trends are starting to reverse in west central Missouri, particularly in Johnson, Pettis and Benton counties.
Here's the changes in areas of the state:
- Central Missouri’s growth has slowed over the last decade due to lower rates of natural change (births vs. deaths) and a decrease in international in-migration, but Boone county was a major source of growth for the region.
- The Kansas City region, home to almost a fifth of the state’s population, added 85,000 new residents over the last decade. Platte and Clay counties were among the state’s fastest-growing counties.
- The St. Louis region’s suburban counties are among the state’s fastest growing, but the city of St. Louis and St. Louis County have been losing population.
An area like around the Lake of the Ozarks may face challenges if they can’t attract or retain working-age people to keep pace with its population growth.
The thirty page reported is available for download.