NOPE NOPE NOPE: Three Poisonous Spiders To Avoid In Missouri
I can kill a spider. Definitely. But I don't have to LIKE it. I'm not too squeamish about too many things, but the idea of something crawling on me or near me just gives me the shivers. So that means all the bugs, and all the spiders, they gotta GO. Well, out of my house, at least. They can live outside just fine. So if you're the outdoors type or even if you're just chilling on your back porch, keep a look out for these little nasties.
The Brown Recluse Spider.
This one is a big NOPE for me. My Mom got bit by one as a kid, and had a little mark on her arm for her whole life. The brown recluse is a light tan to dark brown in color with a violin or fiddle shaped dark brown mark starting at the front of the spider with the neck of the violin pointing towards the rear. They get the recluse name from their reclusive habits. They prefer to live in undisturbed, seldom used areas such as boxes, underneath tables and chairs, along baseboards, in closets, attics, crawlspaces, and basements. Outside they live around rocks, logs, woodpiles, in utility boxes, outside bait stations and trash. When spooked, the spider will usually try to run for cover instead of biting. Bites most commonly occur when putting on seldom used clothing and shoes, cleaning out closets or storage areas, and rolling over on one while in bed.
Black Widow Spider.
Okay, so the picture is technically an Australian Redback, but they're close relatives. The female black widow is easily identifiable with her black body and reddish hourglass shape on her abdomen. Males are lighter in color with a middle row of red spots with white lines moving out to the sides. Baby black widows are usually orange and white, turning black as they get older, with 1 or 2 reddish markings on the belly. Outside, black widows are commonly found in protected areas under firewood, decks, in hollow stumps, rodent burrows, etc. They are also frequently found inside barns, sheds, henhouses, meter boxes, barrels, etc. They can also be found indoors in seldom used areas of basements, crawlspaces, and garages. Get some help IMMEDIATELY if you get bit by one. They have an antidote, but you need it quick.
Wolf Spider.
Okay, so he's not a danger to humans. But... LOOK AT IT.
Eugh. I don't even want that picture in my computer's downloaded files!
Wolf Spiders are very common in Missouri. These spiders have long legs and can vary in color from gray, brown, black and tan with dark brown or black stripes. Wolf spiders don’t spin webs, instead they hunt down their prey. Females are bigger than males. A Wolf spider’s diet consists of all ground dwelling insects including other spiders. If poked, wolf spiders can bite but are harmless to humans. Female Wolf spiders will carry her egg sack at the bottom of her abdomen and later carry the babies on her back. Yep. That's a big NO THANK YOU from me.
Here's hoping we never see these things again.
Spiderly yours,