My 2019 State Fair Concert Pictures
I wish I could say I attended every fair show I possibly could. If I had this experience much earlier in my radio career, when I was single and staying up half the night and partying. I might have tried it.
I've heard the stories of years before, when the stations had an R.V. parked out at the fair as part of the outpost. There may or may not have been some partying and crashing in the R.V. before and after the fair shows. Of course, it's radio, and no one ever let the truth stand in the way of an exaggerated fish story.
We don't have and R.V. out there anymore. And anyway, we're all married, older, and prefer to sleep in our own beds every night. Plus, being at the fair all day takes a lot out of us and leads to many long days. I mean just because we're there, doesn't mean we get out of doing any of the work we always do.
The fair show our entire staff wound up attending was Night Ranger and Foreigner, the most popular show of the fair. I also wanted to see Ashley McBryde, a new young country singer just starting to break. So I went to that show too. I'm not one of those guys whose going to sit and record the whole show on my phone. However, I do like taking some photos with my iPhone to remember the shows by. Just point and shoot. Here's ten of varying quality off my phone of the shows I saw. What were your favorite shows of the 2019 Missouri State Fair?