Misunderstandings About The Radio Gig Are Real
When I go out and people ask me about my job, they almost always have similar questions. Do you meet a lot of celebrities? Do you get to goof off a lot? Is it scary to talk on the radio? Do you only work four hours a day?
Hold on there, honcho. I can tell you that any job has it's own particulars that other people might not see. If you work in an office, maybe your customers don't see the complicated ordering process. If you work in a factory, I bet some people wouldn't know the first thing about operating your equipment. You can't possibly know how stressful or boring or exciting a job is until you actually do it.
Most of my job involves reading and writing, believe it or not. When I get here in the morning, I'm reading the news, seeing what peaks my interest, or what might be interesting to you. I plan out everything I'm going to talk about before I do it. Sure, sometimes there's some improvisation, but more often than not that leaves room for a mistake. I don't write myself a script or decide "I'm going to say this in exactly this way", but I do take pains to choose the topics.
Another part of that is that I have to make sure that our music plays at the right times, our commercials play at the right times, and that I don't talk too much to go over my allotted time every hour.
After the show every day, there's more work to be done. No, I don't work four hours a day. I am the one who decides what articles are going on our website. I don't dictate to the other bloggers what they're going to write. Our corporate office has several different divisions of online content that they make available to all of their stations. I go through those and choose which ones I want to put on our website. Some of it I don't use, because it's either not interesting (they can't all be slam dunks), or it just doesn't apply to our audience. It could be about music we don't play, for example, but they do at another radio station.
I also have these things to write. I try to do two blog posts a day. And that is... well, harder than it looks. Really. It's actually probably the hardest part of my job. I try to think of something interesting to write about - and when you do that every day, sometimes that can get intimidating. The well can run dry. Not always do my posts work. But I try, dangit. Yeah, there are posts that are of interest to a lot of people, which is nice. It's great when people react or comment or share something I've written. But it can be hard to predict what's going to go well and what's a dud. Sometimes stuff that's interesting to me is... not so interesting to you. Sometimes a blog post can come together in minutes. Sometimes I'm browsing the internet for hours, looking for ideas.
And of course, there's the whole "recording commercials" thing. Which is important, obviously. There's a whole process, a few websites, and several computer programs that we use to do it, and it takes time and experience to make it look easy. And I don't even have the really hard part, which is writing the scripts for the commercials. Sometimes the commercials are made beforehand by someone else, sometimes I have to produce them myself. Meaning I have to record my voice, choose effects and music, mix those two together, and edit accordingly.
So yeah, there's more to my job than just Kardashian jokes, although it might not always seem that way. What's a common misconception about your job? Is there something you do every day that might surprise people? Tell us all about it in the comments!
Employingly Yours,