Lay’s Do Us a Flavor: Your Favorite DJ’s Try Two New Chip Flavors [VIDEO]
As you've probably heard, Lay's is doing their contest again, Do Us A Flavor. Basically they accepted suggestions from all over the country from the average person on what flavors they'd like to see Lay's produce. You may remember a while back, I asked you guys in an Enquiring Minds survey about what you'd like to see them make. Well, they've got their four finalists: Mango Salsa, Wasabi Ginger, Bacon Cheddar Mac and Cheese, and Cappuccino. I got two bags at our local Bing's grocery store and had the crew give 'em a shot. The ones we had for today were Bacon Cheddar Mac and Cheese and Cappuccino.
Doug got to try them first, and he did it on the air. The results were definitely interesting.
Beau Matthews also tried them on the air - and his opinion was hilarious!
Ray the Janitor was hanging out with our Sales Manager Julie when he tried them.
I grabbed Derrick as soon as he walked in the building - it had to be a bit of a shock to get pulled on the air to try these first thing.
New girl Lexy definitely asked to try them, I'll keep you updated with how she felt about it later on. Our newsman Jack Miller was also in the "NO" camp for the cappuccino. Boyfriendo and I tried them the night before, when I bought them. We liked the Mac and Cheese, but weren't overwhelmed by them. I guess it wasn't the bang of bacon awesomeness that I had been expecting. As for the Cappuciino.... I don't know what is wrong with this Chad Scott person who suggested this flavor, but let us never speak of him again. These things were VILE. I thought they were just unpalatable. In fact, most of us thought they were so bad, Beau and Derrick suggested we bring a few bags out to our RV on the Missouri State Fairgrounds. If you meet the gang out at the RV, tell me what you thought of em! Doug promises we'll have the other two flavors Friday.
Cappuccino-ly yours,