Is a Lack of Fashion Sense a Dating Deal Breaker? [POLL]
Every now and then, I get an email that is worth sharing. Everyone knows I don't have much of a sense of fashion. I wear jeans and polo shirts for the most part and I keep the colors pretty basic. The email I received this morning delves into the fashion aspect of the dating world. Here it is:
I've been going out with a guy for three months, and things seemed to be going pretty well between us. But I just found out something that might be a deal breaker: He wears Crocs.
You know what Crocs are right? Those ugly clog-shaped shoes with holes in them. Why did he have to whip these out AFTER I've started really liking him? Could any women date a guy who wears crocs?"
While the "Crocs" question is pretty focused, I thought we could be a bit more general. What do you think ladies?