Healthy Living Action Group Hosting Healthy Cooking Demo
As part of its Moving 101 community health and wellness initiative, the Sedalia Healthy Living Action Group will host a healthy cooking demonstration on Thursday, Nov. 16.
The Sedalia Healthy Living Action Group will be at Smith Cotton High School’s Family & Consumer Sciences room for this free event.
From 6:30-7:30, a chicken fajita soup will be made for the demonstraton by Sandra and Chris Fisher of SC Fuel in Sedalia. SC Fuel, located at 217 S. Ohio, buys fresh food and prepares it weekly, weighing proteins and carbohydrates for exact portioned meals. Customers can order any combination or number of meals per week for carry-out. The menu changes each week with three new entrée items.
If you're interested in learning to plan and prepare healthy meals, it's a great opportunity according to Melissa Boeschen, community outreach coordinator at Bothwell Regional Health Center (BRHC) and chair of the Healthy Living Action Group
All the Moving 101 activities are free and open to the public. Information about Moving 101 and other Healthy U activities can be found at facebook.com/HUPettisCounty. Healthy U is a project of the Healthy Living Action Group, which includes BRHC, Katy Trail Community Health, Pettis County Health Center, Boys and Girls Clubs of West Central Missouri, and University of Missouri Extension.
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