Girl Scout Cookies Sales Set to Kick-Off This Weekend
It's that time of year. In their debut last year, Girl Scout S’mores became the most popular flavor to launch in the 100 years of Girl Scouts selling cookies! Now joining legendary classics like Thin Mints and Caramel deLites/Samoas, delicious Girl Scout S’mores are making a triumphant return to the lineup for the 2018 cookie season.
The direct sale portion of the Girl Scout Cookie Program begins this weekend. When girls participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program, they get more than life-changing experiences and adventure. They also develop essential life skills—goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics—all while soaring in confidence and practicing leadership the Girl Scout way to lift one another up and change the world, together.
To find out where the Girls Scout Cookies will be sold in your area, you can click on this link to find the locations and dates.