Former Bar You Used to Party At That No Longer Exists
Ready to take a trip down memory lane? We asked the question "Name The Bar You Used To Party At That No Longer Exists" on the KIX 105.7 Facebook page and boy, oh boy did we get some great feedback.
First off I'll throw in my two-cents of the bars I remember back in the day. The first one that comes to mind is Flumgudgins (Flums) on South 65. The second for me would be bar at the Ramada Inn. Not sure if it had a name other than being known as the Ramada Inn. I not only used to go there but this was the first nightclub that I DJ'd. (Actually spinned records!) The Red Apple Lounge was another great spot on the north side of the old Red Apple Bowling. And last but not least would be Mary Prine's aka Bunny's Barbecue at 3rd and Engineer.
There's others that were listed on the feedback and we thought you 'd like to see some of these so you can also reminisce.
Robert K..-Jeanine K. - Cruisers, Jr's, Alamo/Dukes n boots, No Place.
Dawn L. - Cruisers, Patrick Kent's, Missouri Bowl
Ruth P. - Flums
Melissa Z. - Rumors was the spot!
Ken S. - Mary Jo’s also known as Crouch’s
Lindsay M. - Dukes and boots and rumors. Miss you Dale Malone
There were also some places that showed up from out of town-
Jake D. - UI in warrensburg
Ray S. - Snappy's, Trenton, MO
Harlan W. - County club whiskey river the keg green door wrangler boss hogs
If you don't see your favorite bar that doesn't exist anymore, leave us your answer, and remember...drink responsibly!