The City of Sedalia will continue its “Clean Sweep” Program June 26 – 30 in the following area:

North Boundary is West Broadway

West Boundary is City Limits

South Boundary is City Limits

East Boundary is South Limit Ave.

Please leave all materials at the curb or between the sidewalk and street in the greenspace away from overhead lines and trees by 6 a.m. on Monday of your area’s Clean Sweep.

Sanitation crews will spend the week collecting and disposing of the materials for your area. We are asking residents to place materials in segregated piles as shown in the diagram below:

City of Sedalia
City of Sedalia

The following definitions are provided to assist in determining in which area to place certain materials:

 Yard Waste including vegetation, plants, tree debris, such as branches and leaves, bushes, brush and tree stumps.
 Construction and Demolition Waste includes carpet, carpet pads, lumber, dry wall, siding, treated patio lumber, pallets, old windows and screen doors.
 Other Unwanted Junk includes old furniture, clothing, old magazines, newspapers, plastic toys, old patio furniture, bar-b-que grills, mattresses, etc.
 Appliances are banned from landfills in Missouri will need to be segregated. Please keep any appliances such as refrigerators, washers/dryers, microwaves, ranges, window air conditioners, or dishwashers separated out.

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