An Egg Nog Recipe Fit for a President
As a kid egg nog was nothing more than a carton of liquid eggs packaged like a quart of milk my Gram got from the store. Obviously, it was more than liquid eggs, but as a kid who didn't like eggs I didn't bother to investigate egg nog any further than "eggs, eewww." That all changed when a co-worker of my in Lubbock, Johnny May, mixed his version of egg nog on Christmas Eve.
Johnny's egg nog was the real deal complete with booze in it. I still don't like eggs that much, but a chance to get a little boozy at nine o'clock in the morning while waiting for the boss to come by and send everyone home early on Christmas Eve? Yeah I was going to try it.
The best way I can describe egg nog is this: Liquid Holiday Cheer. Johnny's egg nog got me feeling all warm and tingly. Then I felt a buzz. Then I was thankful I did a morning show and didn't have to do a radio show after enjoying a couple of cups of the stuff.
I never got Johnny's recipe for egg nog, but I did find President Eisenhower's courtesy of the Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum and the US National Archives:
President Eisenhower's Egg Nog Recipe
1 dozen egg yolks
1lb. granulated sugar
1qt. bourbon (part of this may be either rum or brandy)
1qt. coffee cream
1qt. whipping cream
Put the dozen egg yolks in an electric mixer. Feed in the granulated sugar very slowly so as to get a a completely smooth, clear light mixture. When this is perfectly smooth, begin to add the bourbon very slowly. (The process up to here would normally consume 30 minutes - with a good mixture.) Add one quart of coffee cream.
Put the whole thing in the ice box until a half hour before serving, at which time the whipping cream should be added until only moderately thick. Be careful not to get it too thick. Mix it slowly into mixture and serve with nutmeg.
When you enjoy this concoction of holiday cheer, remember, you're sipping on history.
Merry Christmas!