You’ve Heard About Quiet Quitting But What About Quiet Firing?
If you work in business or have been anywhere on the internet recently you've probably heard about quiet quitting. Quiet quitting isn't really quitting your job, it's just sticking to your job duties, and not going the extra mile for your employer. Maybe in a somewhat militant kind of way. In some cases, it's also disengaging from the job. But what about quiet firing? I bet you haven't heard about that.
As a manager, I'm not all that worried about the person who sticks to their job description. Sure I like it if my employees are willing to occasionally go above and beyond to help me and the company. Yet, downtime is still important. So I try not to take advantage of my employees. It's the disengagement from the job as a whole that can create issues, more than not going the extra mile if you ask me. So that's when I get concerned.
So what's quiet firing? I learned about it over on BuzzFeed. Quiet firing is a workplace tactic used by bosses where they don't actually fire the employee, but they use passive-aggressive tactics to get him or her to quit. It can be anything from scheduling the employee less and less, to just making the job unnecessarily difficult.
I had this happen at one of my radio jobs and it absolutely sucked. Over the course of six months, very slowly, I lost my office, didn't get a chance to even be considered for a promotion, was forced into a less important position, was forced into doing some un-attractive job duties, and finally, given notice that if the company's financial fortunes didn't drastically change in the next sixty days, they would be letting me go.
Yeah being pushed out of that job sucked. Having to show up every day during that six months was rough, but I told myself it was better than unemployment. Plus, I wasn't going to quit and let them weasel out of that obligation if I needed it. So I sucked it up and stuck it out.
It's easy to say if your job is taking advantage of you, stand up to the boss. If you're the boss and an employee isn't performing, fix the problem. Yet, in the real world, office politics, personalities, the HR department, and everyone's personal situation plays into the decision on whether you try to make the workplace better or engage in a tactic like quiet quitting or quiet firing to get through the day.
Hopefully, you're not experiencing or doing either right now. If you are, let me ask you this, what can you do to make it better?