Last Sunday (Nov. 10), I decided to be proactive and try to do some maintenance on my jewelry. I have a set of earrings that I wear every day with screw backs so they are always secure. Well, this weekend they went AWOL.

The Alleged Culprit.
The Alleged Culprit.

I cleaned my earrings on Saturday night and like a fool, left them on the bathroom counter. I guess I thought they'd stay put, being inanimate objects. Well, turns out when I woke up Sunday morning on the bathroom counter I had two earring backs and one diamond earring: one went missing.

I have two kitty cats who are normally pretty well behaved. But, since one of these earrings went walking, I can only assume that one of them was played with by a kitty cat. I normally put my earrings away when I'm done cleaning them, but this time I just didn't. So now there's a search afoot.

I spent several hours on Sunday looking for this thing. I looked in the sink, underneath the rugs, under the washer and dryer and even off in the kitchen and living room. It is nowhere to be found. I'm a little upset about it, because it used to belong to my late mother. While since the whole "fire destroyed all of my belongings" incident I've learned not to put too much into objects and things and focus more on the memories attached to them, I still want my earring back.

So, I turn to you guys for ideas. Where is my earring?

Here's hoping I find it. I'll let you guys know if it turns up. Have you had anything go mysteriously missing in your house? Did you end up finding it later? Tell me all about it. Was it kid related? Dog or cat related? Or was it your fault? Let me know in our comment section.

Searchingly yours,

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