If you're a parent, you probably remember the first time you left your child alone at home. A little unnerving, you say? Yes it was but it was an important step not only in parenting but also establishing the maturity of your soon or daughter. But did you know there's a chart that let's you know when it's okay to do so?

In a story from Prevention.com, a blogger by the name of Mique from Thirty Handmade Days may have some help for you on the matter. Mique came up with a chart that shows the ages when it's okay for the kids to fly solo in their own house.

The chart tells you at what ages it is appropiate to start leaving your kids at home for certain periods of time. Of course this leads to the age when it's okay for them to be home by themselves. Also included is a state-by-state chart that lets you know, if there is a specific age, at what age is legally acceptable.

Along with the chart are safety tips to help parents to set up some groundrules.


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