What Stores Would You Bring to Sedalia?
We don't live in a large town. There are benefits to that. The outpouring of support for people in need, the lack of traffic (except during the fair) and running into friends happens all the time. But there are some challenges when it comes to shopping.
Earlier today, a friend of mine was shopping and couldn't find what she was looking for. She wanted a Hobby Lobby. I note that if kids want to be trendy, they only have a handful of stores in town to choose from. Shopping for certain items means a day trip to the city. So now we add the expense of the items purchased, gas and food for that day. If you take the whole family....well, it's not wonder dad always looks grouchy.
Sedalia IS growing. New places of business have built and opened in the not too distant past. If you could choose, what stores would you bring to town?