What Local Bands Do You Remember in the Sedalia Area?
A lot of us have grown up listening to area bands. In fact, we might have been a part of them. Many garages were graced with young musicians trying to get their start. Which ones do you remember?
I think we all grow up wanting to play a musical instrument. For some it was forced upon us. You know...piano lessons, when we would have rather been outside outside playing and hanging upside down from tree limbs.
I took up the clarinet in our 5th grade school band. I wish I would've stayed with it but it went by the wayside. Next was my first guitar and lessons to go with it. The guitar was bought from Western Auto. It was a beautiful Truetone. I wish I still had it. Later in my early years I took up the drums as a musical instrument. I played the drums all through Jr and Sr High.
Now I tell you this because in 6th grade we started a band, or attempted to start one. At that time the popular TV show was The Partridge Family. After watching that show each week, I think every kid in the 60's and early 70's attempted to form a band. I even came up with a name for our group-The Chapparells.
Maybe you can remember some of the bands that you grew up with, or maybe were in, back in the day.