Three Ideas for Warrensburg’s Former Hastings Location
Every time I drive by the old Hastings in Warrensburg I look over at the old building and think, "Maybe it will come back." That's pretty unlikely, considering it wasn't just the Warrensburg store that closed in 2016, it was the entire company. Sometimes out-of-business companies get revived (remember that weird period where we had no Twinkies?), but I've never heard of any plans by anyone to revive Hastings. So there's an empty building. What should go in there? Here are three ideas.
I'll be honest. I don't really know much about Here Today. I just noticed that one of their stores opened in the old Hastings location in Jeff City, so it would make sense that they might be interested in other former Hastings sites. According to Here Today's website, the company is "all about incredible values…great deals on every-day basics and special splurges. We’re confident that our prices will beat even the big-name retailers." One day when I've got a spare minute I'll stop by the Jefferson City store and check it out.
V-Stock is sort of the megastore version of Vintage Stock, which has several stores in the Kansas City area. St. Louis has a few of the bigger V-Stock stores. They're almost exactly the same thing as Hastings was. Books, movies, music, video games, comics, etc. You can sell your old stuff there, too, so it's a great place to score some extra cash while clearing out some of your excess stuff.
Everybody loves a bargain, and many of us enjoy searching for them! Not long ago I made my first visit to a Red Racks Thrift Store (the one in Blue Springs). It's similar the other major thrift stores like Goodwill, the Salvation Army, etc. Red Racks is owned an operated by the DAV, and supports disabled veterans across Missouri.
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