Think You Can Design A Unique Home? If Yes, Then AirBNB Wants Your Best Shot
Have any of you ever rented from an AirBNB? Or perhaps just browsed some of their unique homes? Do you think you could design a home that would be worth checking out. If you answered 'YES' to any of my questions, then AirBNB wants to hear from you and it might make you a lot of money.
AirBNB has announced a contest, and if you have ever had a thought pop into your head for a cool home idea that AirBNB could rent out, then you might want to try and draw it. It could secure you $100,000. Seriously.
The contest: 100 people will win $100,000 to come up with a design for a "creative, quirky, and jaw-droppingly off-beat" home for people to stay in. You will have until July 22nd to submit your idea, and the judges will choose 100 winners. Each winner will get a $100K grant to put it together and create their unique space. You can get more info HERE and read all the fine print.
It is important to note, you need to own the property that you would like to turn into an AirBNB, there will be taxes on the grant, insurance for the property. So what is the prize? Well I assume that Air BNB will be hyping up the property, you will certainly be able to rent it out and get a return on your investment. And after the 1st year, you can feature it on other sites as well as AirBNB. Just keep it exclusive to AirBNB for the 1st year.
So what do you think? Think you got a space that you can make into a great AirBNB? Give it a shot. Good luck.