State Fairground Improvements for 2020 Fair
If you're a follower of the Missouri State Fair, no doubt you've seem the posts talking about some of the different infrastructure improvements the Missouri State Fair has been making on their fairgrounds over the past year. In just a month we'll all be able to take advantage and enjoy some of these improvements.
According to the Missouri State Fair, here's some of the improvements you may or may not notice as you enjoy this years Fair:
- The Director's Tent has been replaced by with a pre-fabricated, open air, metal building, to be used as an event center by the Missouri State Fair. This building was provided to the fair by Nucor Steel of Sedalia.
- The Inner Campground and West Campground have upgraded water, sewer and electrical utility systems.
- The Exhibitor Campground has 137 new campsites, power and sanitary hookups.
- The Sheep Pavilion has had a lot of renovations. These include: painting, electrical and plumbing upgrades. Repairs to the concrete floor. And remodeling of the two story section. Light fixtures will be replaced with LED's and fans will be added to the pen area.
- The Swine Barn had the gable and gutter systems on the West Annex repaired and replaced. Also had some electrical and lighting improvements.
- Stalls were removed from the Horse Barn and scaffolding put up to improve the roof structure. New lighting and electrical system along with a new roof and new siding and tuck pointing.
- A new storm water ditch was added to assist from storm runoff from the sheep pavilion. A walking bridge was added to allow visitor access from the street to vendor areas across the ditch.
When we think of the State Fair, so much of what we think about has to do with what will the State Fair does that makes the event more fun, more compelling or entertaining for everyone that comes to town. Will the carnival's rides live up to expectations? Will the concerts be the best they can be etc?
We don't stop to think that infrastructure needs to upkeep. New buildings and facilities need to be added, and some facilities need to go away. Campground improvements might not be sexy to you and I who get to go home and sleep in our own beds... but for the exhibitors it might make for an easier experience. For our visitors who want to camp, it might make it a little easier. Fans and lights in pens and pavilions may not mean much to you and I, but it might to the folks engaged in competitions and shows.
So I want to send a big thank you to all from the fair, and all the contractors, laborers, and professionals that helped make the fair infrastructure a little nicer for 2020 and beyond. Thank you.